Month: November 2023

Maths – Financial Literacy

Yesterday (As of today) we were working on “Financial Literacy”, which is not literacy, but Maths instead.

We were working with money, what we want, need and our savings plans. Beforehand we were given a few key words, such as; frequency, profit etc… We were put in a funny scenario where my Granny named Granny gave us some money, approximately $2000. Except the kids under 16 only get $1000 and the rest is left in the hands of a trust foundation until we turn 16. Since none of us are 16 and our teachers took this very literally, we only got $1000. So what would we do with it? Here are my answers and options at the top.

Hope you like my work 🙂


Cybersmart task – Media bias

For cybersmart this week we were learning about media bias and advertisements.

We were learning about the reputation and reflection of the company advertising the brand.

Using things such as big names and famous figures, using similar colour schemes, giving the brand a good look and just creating a good advertisement in general. Here is an advertisement that I made (Which was also part of our task)

Have a good day reader 🙂